Anthony de Jasay: The Concept of Rule-Bound Collective Choice and the Idea of Constitutional Safeguards, in: Hardy Bouillon (ed.), Do Ideas Matter?, Essays in Honor of Gerhard Radnitzky, July 2001

Anthony de Jasay: Violence: The Disease and the Vaccine, in: Economic Affairs, Institute of Economic Affairs, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 35-36, 2001

Anthony de Jasay: Taking Critisism in the Grand Manner, in: Contribution to James M. Buchanan online Festschrift, 1999

Anthony de Jasay: Gerechtigkeit, in: Analyse und Kritik, Issue 2, 1999

Anthony de Jasay: Public Goods Theory, in: Peter J. Boettke (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, pp. 276-284, 1994

Anthony de Jasay: The Cart before the Horse. On Emergent and Constructed Orders and their Wherewithal, in: Christoph Frei & Robert Nef (eds.), Contending with Hayek, pp. 29-44, 1994

Anthony de Jasay: Rational Choice in Conflict, in: Gerhard Radnitzky (ed.), Universal Economics: Assessing the Achievements of the Economic Approach, 1992