Political Economy, Concisely, Essays on Policy That Does Not Work and Markets That Do, The Collected Papers of Anthony de Jasay
By Anthony de Jasay
Edited and with an Introduction by Hartmut Kliemt
The State by Anthony de Jasay
Basil Blackwell, 1985 (online); Liberty Fund, 1998 Spanish translation: El Estado. La Logica del Poder Politici. Madrid 1993; French translation: L Etat, la logique du pouvoir politique. Paris 1994; Hungarian translation: 2002
Social Contract, Free Ride: A Study of Public Goods Problem.
by Anthony de Jasey Oxford 1989, reprinted 1990
Choice, Contract, Consent: a Restatement of Liberalism
by Anthony de Jasay
Institute of Economic Affairs, 1991
Translation in German: Liberalismus, 1995
Chinese Edition, 1997
Before resorting to Politics
by Anthony de Jasay,
Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996 (abridged version reprinted in Against Politics)
Against Politics
by Anthony de Jasay,
Routledge, 1997
Justice and Its Surroundings
by Anthony de Jasay,
Liberty Fund, 2002